Westminster, Maryland Speed Traps
State Highway 140 near all of Route 140 in Westminster
This regards all parts of Route 140 in and around the City of Westminster. The speed limit within the commercial zone is 45, and it is important to do just that speed. I used to live in the city, and it’s incredible how heavily Route 140 is monitored by the illustrious Westminster police. I have been to Westminster traffic court twice, and many of the defendents were stopped for 60-65 mph–the prevalent traffic speed on this thoroughfare. Both of my violations were on Route 140 (once inside and once outside the city). There is no particular place they sit, but it’s safe to say that if you speed consistently there, you will be stopped sooner or later.
State Route 97 near Mayberry Road
Carroll County Sheriff’s Office patrols this area frequently and uses moving and stationary radar.
State Highway 140 near EIP tuning
As you are leaving Westminster before you pass EIP tuning on the right cops like to sit in the parking lot of the pontiac car dealerships on the right as well as the u-turn area in the meadian. cops also sit about 300 yards down MD 140 and catch cars pulling out of EIP tuning and bust the drivers for illeagal modifictions and speeding
State Highway MD 140 near Bethel Road
WHen you’re flying down MD140 headed out of Westminster, and you come over that hill at Bethel Road (just past Reese Fire Hall), you’d best be doing 50, because way, way down at the end of that straight stretch of highway, detectable only by your little friend on the dash – is two or three state troopers, sitting in that old lady’s driveway waiting to nail your butt. Most people are doing well over 60 when they hit that hill, but they usually never do that twice. Coming the other way isn’t so bad, because right before the speed trap is that traffic light that none of us are usually lucky enough to make it through on green – and after the red light, by the time your car reaches the speed limit, if you can’t see that cop standing there aiming that laser gun at you, you deserve a speeding ticket!
Center Street near Gorsuch Road
Trap is setup outside entrance to Cranberry Elementary School, on Center Street as you travel between Cranberry Mall (TownMall of Westminster) and Target dept. store. State cops (2 or 3 at a time) love this spot, because its in between two hills in a 30 zone, and near 2 schools. The ridiculous part is that they love to pray on innocent people in the summer and at night, when school’s out. I got lasered at 64mph through there. Lucky for me, I’m FOP!