White Marsh, Maryland Speed Traps

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Ebenezer Rd, by Vincent Farm Elementary School

White Marsh, MarylandOct 23, 20200 Comments

This speed cam is long standing, they alternate the direction deployed. Sometimes towards RT40, (Pulaski Hwy) sometimes away. The kicker is, the cabinet is always in place, BUT, sometimes has camera, sometimes does not. As of 10/22/2020, it is monitoring traffic TOWARDS Rt40, and IS ACTIVE.

Up and down Bird River Rd.

White Marsh, MarylandFeb 20, 20110 Comments

They love to sit in the churches on that road, they got me one time sitting in Our Lady Queen of Peace, they also sit in the deli-many of them-sometimes 3 at a time, and the other church near White Marsh Commons.

Eastbound state Rt. 43 @ Walther Blvd.

White Marsh, MarylandFeb 19, 20110 Comments

Traveling eastbound on I-695 to eastbound state Rt. 43. As you drive down a hill approaching the 1st traffic signal (Walther Blvd.), camera is mounted on a pole (right shoulder) of eastbound Rt. 43 prior to this intersection.

Franklin Square Blvd

White Marsh, MarylandFeb 19, 20110 Comments

From the Best Buy, they sit right there on the left. The car is pretty noticeable but when driving, you don’t see it if you aren’t watching for it. Just go the speed limit on this stretch. After the apartments on the right, you are safe.

Route 7 east of Campbell Blvd

White Marsh, MarylandJun 08, 20100 Comments

Police sit on the east side by Alison transmission plant, the road has a double wide shoulder area and a dead end drive way . The police are generally there between 4 and 6 PM.

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