East Bridgewater, Massachusetts Speed Traps

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1689 Central Street

East Bridgewater, MassachusettsJan 25, 20210 Comments

Subdued and white / black “marked” S.U.V. units sit just about opposite of 1689 Central Street and face WEST, as to catch motorists travelling westbound and from RT. 27. This IS a confirmed speed trap; different officers may sit in this same spot and on 8 AM – 4PM shift, but do not discriminate between weekdays and weekends. Multiple stops and hits received / confirmed in both directions, strongest detection(s) when heading west from the RT. 27 side. Pretty much most of Central Street between Washington Street to RT. 27 is one big trap.

Central Street and Blueberry Lane

East Bridgewater, MassachusettsDec 28, 20200 Comments

Just around 1453 Central Street (main drag). If you are traveling EAST on Central Street, Blueberry Lane is on your LEFT. Cruiser sits behind a white fence and bushes. If you are traveling West on Central, Blueberry Lane is on your RIGHT (same hidden spot). Last trap and catch was yesterday (12/27/2020) around 10 AM, but units have been sitting there for at least the last TWO years and usually on 8 AM to 4 PM shift. Most grabs are coming from the WEST and heading EAST. Once you hit that curve on Central near Cedar Street, watch out!

Soccer Field EXIT on Belmont St.

East Bridgewater, MassachusettsApr 27, 20200 Comments

Traffic units (all shifts) sit tucked into this EXIT of the soccer field(s). This is just WEST of Brenda Avenue. S.U.V. units (subdued lettering, black, marked) are backed into this spot. Watch your inspection stickers at this point too. Reported to be a compliance point.

Around 35 Winter Street, 02333

East Bridgewater, MassachusettsApr 27, 20200 Comments

Traffic unit sits on eastern side of Winter St. If you are heading NORTH and into Brockton, unit is on RIGHT (around 35 WINTER ST.). This is just before Winter becomes ALGER. Enforcement has been noticed on 8-4 AND 4-midnight shift. If heading south from Alger and road becomes WINTER, be aware. E.B. traffic S.U.V. unit is on LEFT. 30 MPH is POSTED.

Elm Street (north of Highland Street)

East Bridgewater, MassachusettsMar 28, 20190 Comments

Elm Street is pretty notorious for speed traps-at all hours. One particular trap has arisen on the department’s midnight to 8 AM shift as of Spring, 2019. Cop has been seen with motorists pulled over anywhere from the pond just north of Highland Street, to the veggie stand right at the intersection of Summer and Elm streets. Traffic stops usually begin around 5:45 to 6 A.M. when school buses start rolling. Keep it just under 30 MPH in this area. I have spoken with five cited motorists, same officer gave all five tickets. If he grabs you on a speed violation, you better not have a bad sticker, or your going down for it all.

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