Georgetown, Massachusetts Speed Traps
Georgetown VFW Parking lot
The Georgetown cops sit in the cruiser watching the downhill traffic on rt. 133.
Occasionally a Boxford cruiser sits there also although they have no juristition there as the town line is a few hundred yards down the road. This practice is illegal as it intimidates patrons of the VFW and watching a liquor establishment as people come and go is entrapment if they stop you.
Georgetown Square
They sit on the side of the road anywhere near the town square especially at night. Be extra careful on Friday and Saturday nights! They use to watch Rory O’connor’s restaurant and bag people leaving there (which is illegal and entrapment) til they drove them out of business with this practice. Come through the square within the posted limit or you will be stopped!
State Route 97 near State Route 97
This road runs from Georgetown Square to Groveland Center…and is the biggest patroled area I am aware of….speed limit is 40 and when I travel through there I purposely set my auto pilot as it is very very easy to go faster and faster as the road is straight for miles…make sure you slow down to 25 when you approach Groveland center..the cruises have many "hiding places" in the little store lots…
State Highway 133 near Entire Town of Georgetown
Rt. 133 in Georgetown going East starts out at 40 MPH, then 25 MPH, then 35 MPH, then 25 MPH, then 40 MPH in the space of about 1 1/2 miles. The officers especially target the two sudden drops to 25 MPH. This town has only about four businesses, including the town hall. Having two 25 MPH zones just smells like a money machine.