Lincoln, Massachusetts Speed Traps

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Lincoln segment of Route 2

Lincoln, MassachusettsOct 21, 20190 Comments

This is a straight 4.5 mile stretch between Lincoln border near I-95/128 to West border of Lincoln. Speed limit is 45 though vehicles typically do 55 – 60. Lincoln cops regularly night patrol this area speeders and drunks.

On Lincoln road between Massachusetts-117 and Waltham Road

Lincoln, MassachusettsApr 12, 20100 Comments

About once a month, in the morning, as you’re driving toward 117 along the Audubon property, there’s a Lincoln PO sitting in one of two driveways at the bottom of a hill around a bend just waiting for drivers to come coasting down the hill–there are two driveway. I always be sure to slow to the speed limit (30) and crane my neck looking around the bend until I see the second driveway is clear and then finish coasting when it’s clear.

Rte. 117 east just over Lincoln border

Lincoln, MassachusettsDec 16, 20090 Comments

Driving east from Sudbury on Rte. 117 east, you go over a small bridge and then go around a bend. Lincoln PO is usually there waiting. If not there, then in a driveway or parking between there and Rte. 126. As stated above, Lincoln is very tough, I’ve heard about tickets for 2 MPH over 30.

Lincoln really hates ‘drive thrus’; there was an attempt a few years ago by the locals to get out during commuting hours and drive 5 mph below the speed limit.

Waltham/Old Sudbury Rd

Lincoln, MassachusettsDec 16, 20090 Comments

Driving north on Rte 126/Concord St, and turn right onto Waltham Rd to take a shortcut to Rte. 117. This turns into Old Sudbury Rd.

As you come into open farm space, the road will curve to the left. About a 1/2 mile down, Lincoln PO is usually waiting w/ radar (where the houses resume). Speed limit is 30 and they’ll nail you for anything over.

State Route 2 near Interstate 95

Lincoln, MassachusettsSep 10, 20060 Comments

these cops can be tough, they don’t even give you 10 over

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