North Attleboro, Massachusetts Speed Traps
Watery Hill Road near YMCA
The area just before and after the YMCA is posted 20 mph as a school zone because there is a daycare center. However the area is often patrolled with radar at times when daycare is unlikely and 20 mph is excessively restrictive. The sidewalk next to roadway would not be considered a safe place to walk by most people other than die hard joggers or those who do not have an automobile.
State Route 1 near Stop and Shop
The set of lights at Chestnut St/ Rt. 1 and the set of lights in front of the Stop and Shop. Police hide adjacent to Rt 1 in parking lots between buildings or in driveways surrounded by evergeens and shrubs mostly to ticket anyone who goes through the intersection just after the light changes from green to yellow. You are ticketed for going through a red light. Often done during rush hour.
Landy Avenue near School Driveway
Mobile Officers sit anywhere on Landry Avenue the entire length from Orne Street Interlocking to the JW Martin school stationery clamping down on speeders, since there are many schools in that road. Also, they monitor that same road at night on weekends, so it’s 24/7/365 on Landy Avenue.
Kelley Boulevard near Angle Tree Gun Club
Sits in driveway, hidden by trees.
(Kelley Blvd.- Rt.152)
Washington Street
Anywhere on Washington Street you can find the traps. THe most comon places are the Protestant Church parking lot, the Getty gas station and the Blockbuster video parking lot. All are a one cop deal except Blockbuster.