Westford, Massachusetts Speed Traps
Lowell Road near Morning Glory Circle
Patrol Car will hide on southwest side direction off to the side of the road just beyond Stonybrook and before Morning Glory. Wesford officers use primarily KA-band radar and usually leave on constantly, but not always. Lowell Road is 30mph even though it is wide, has good shoulders, and good visibility in a sparsely populated area. Stay less than 10pmg over limit or you WILL get a ticket.
Tadmuck Road near US Highway 495
Patrol cars frequently hide in the shade under the 495 overpass on Tadmuck Road nailing lunchtime traffic and occasionally rush-hour traffic. Westford uses KA-band radar and usually leaves it on constantly. Most local roads are at 30mph even if area is sparsely populated with wide shoulders and good visibility.
Main Street near Lil’ Peach
As you pass the Lil’ Peach on your right after going down the hill from the center of town, an officer likes to sit in the cemetery at the junction of Tadmuck and Main Street. This trap is visible as you go around a slight corner, if you are speeding you are toast. I think they set this up for me and others as they come home from school around 2-5.
Tadmuck Road as it goes under 495
Cruisers hide in two places; under the 495 overpass in the weeds or in the apple orchard driveway. There is very good line-of-site for them as you come around the bend in either direction. The speed limit is 30, but don’t push 40 too hard as easy as it to do. Late morning and lunch-time traffic seem most targeted.
Boston Road
Local police regularly post speed traps on Boston road between I495 and Westford Center. The speed limit is an unrealistic 30mph, with most traffic driving at around 40mph. Cruisers post on the berm around the large, uphill bend, and also on Crown Road and in the parking lot of the Westford Historical society. Radar is K band, operated either continuously or occasionally as "instant on". Traps are more common at night.