Weston, Massachusetts Speed Traps

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Boston Post Rd & Warren Ave

Weston, MassachusettsJun 15, 20090 Comments

First Baptist Church driveway (657 Boston Post Rd). Usually in plain sight but I’ve seen them park further back which conceals them a bit. Speed limit is 35 here but if you’re heading east the limit is going to go down to 25 very soon. Don’t get caught in this trap where 5-over quickly becomes 15-over.

Highland St & Love Ln

Weston, MassachusettsJun 15, 20090 Comments

In the mornings they sit on the right if you’re going northbound just after the change in speed limit from 35 to 25 (while going down hill and around the following bend). In the afternoons they park on Livermore. Good place to catch you as the limit on this road in that section is 25 and can catch you coasting down the hill if you’re going northbound or cresting the rise if you’re going southbound.

South Ave & Highland St

Weston, MassachusettsJun 15, 20090 Comments

They park in several locations here. Sometimes in the bend on the grass in plain sight, but if you’re going too fast it’s too late since he’s in the bend. Sometimes parks on the westbound side on a side road/drive which fencing and trees conceal them very well. Speed limit is 40 here but if you’re travelling eastbound you’re coming from a 45 limit section. You’re approaching an intersction anyways so it’s good safety to slow down, plus there’s a school there and people are always crossing at Winter st.

Glen Road and Shady Hill Road

Weston, MassachusettsOct 27, 20080 Comments

Glen Road, just at curve approaching Shady hill road by reservoir

Winter Street near State Route 30

Weston, MassachusettsAug 23, 20080 Comments

Winter Stree at the stop sign just before the road continues to intersect Route 30. Often the police car will be pulled off to the side of the road, on grass, laying in wait.

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