Ada, Michigan Speed Traps

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Fulton (M-21) near bridge construction

Ada, MichiganApr 12, 20111 Comments

As of April 2011, In Ada near Amway (Alticor) the main bridge is under construction and there is a "temporary bridge" with a speed sign that measures your speed (25-MPH limit) as you cross the bridge eastbound. Sometimes there is a cop shooting Ka just beyond that point near Petis.

On Fulton street (M-21) just east of Spaulding Ave.

Ada, MichiganJul 07, 20100 Comments

About 1/4 mile east of Spaulding Ave. is a valley and the local sheriff patrol uses at least 4 locations in this close to 1/2 mile long strip. The most common one is just over the rise at the west end while sitting in the median in one of the paved crossovers. Other crossovers are used and some business or developement driveways on both east and west bound directions of this 2 lane divided highway. Very hard to see them till too late.

8800-8900 block of Vergennes Road (1 1/4 mile east of Pettis

Ada, MichiganJul 07, 20100 Comments

There is a very wide private road (Auburn Trail) located on the south side of Vergennes about the above block numbers which the local sheriff likes to park in and scan the road coming either direction past him. One is there several times a week (hunting must be good). The owners of this road by in large do NOT endorse this usage of their road and are contemplating a lawsuit to stop this as it also blocks their road.

Knapp Rd Between Egypt Valley And Honey Creek

Ada, MichiganJul 07, 20100 Comments

theres a kent county sheriff at the ada township fire station on knapp.

Thornapple River Drive north of old camel hump bridge

Ada, MichiganJul 02, 20101 Comments

there is a small road just north of bridge giving access to resevoir homes on the east side of the road. there is heavy brush between this road and bridge making a cruiser parked there invisible until you are almost on top of him.

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