Addison, Michigan Speed Traps
Fire Department on Main Street across from the School.
The Lenawee County Sheriff sits facing east and nails speeders coming up the hill toward the school as the speed limit drops from 55mph to 25mph at the bottom of the hill. He’s usually there early mornings and afternoons. Watch out for him, if you see a black car sitting near the road in front of the Fire Station it is probably the Sheriff. Warning: he gives no breaks or reductions in speed if he catches you’ll get the ticket for the speed you were going.
Pump station just south of town on west side
sits off highway just by the sewage lift station on driveway, most common during day time and on holiday weekends
US Highway 127 near Factory on the Curve South of town
Sits in the factory parking lot on the curve right where speed limit changes on the south end of town. By the time you come around the curve he has ya!
US-127 (Steer St./Meridian Hwy.)
This is a small town which US-127 runs right through. Speed limit drops from 55 to 40, then to 35, back up to 40, then back to 55. Addison has no local police, but the Lenawee County Sherriff patrols this town very often, and always catches speeders because no one really slows down through the town.