Allendale, Michigan Speed Traps
M45 between 14th Ave. & Grand river bridge
The local sheriff or a state tropper waits at the crest of the hill in front of our house & usually gets over 20 stops in a morning. They are there at least 3 times a week. They are there more often at the begining of terms at GVSU since the out of towners are not aware of the limits since the road is just re-done & is smooth & wide begging for speed.
68th Ave. north of Lake Michigan Drive
They like to sit in Tolman’s Meat Market (on the east side of the road) late at night watching for people ignoring the 45 mph speed limit as they head out of town. They will also sit on Pingree (about a half mile north of M45) and watch. Big DUI traps.
On Lake Michigan Dr. at the Grand Valley Auto Auction
Ottawa county sheriff and the state police often counduct stings on M-45 between Grand Valley Sate University and the auto auction.
Lake Michigan Drive near 64th Avenue
The police sit in the apartment building to the East of Allendale Middle School on the North side of Lake Michigan Dr. almost every morning.