Alpena, Michigan Speed Traps

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Werth Rd near Piper Rd.

Alpena, MichiganJan 02, 20100 Comments

The police will sit on Werth Rd. near Piper Rd. Traffic east bound will get ticketed if they are traveling faster than the posted 35 mph.

Hobbs Drive near Grant Street

Alpena, MichiganMay 04, 20080 Comments

A police car hides either in the driveway of Sunset School and/or at the first corner of Hobbs Drive after Grant Street. It faces down Hobbs toward Grant, so the police usually target drivers making the last big curve before traveling towards Grant.

State Highway M-65 near Cook Road

Alpena, MichiganJun 10, 20060 Comments

In the hilly section of M-65 south of M-32 near Cook Rd. Usually all day on week-ends traveling both north and south the Michigan State Police write many tickets for downstate visitors.

State Highway 32 near Airport

Alpena, MichiganMay 14, 20050 Comments

State Troopers are parked on the East bound side facing west bound on M-32 just past the Airport road every morning around 8:30 AM. They park in a "no parking" area next to Indian Reserve Road.

US23 at the river by HPC and on grant st.

Alpena, MichiganJan 27, 20030 Comments

thay sit in the parking lot of big boys or at HPC. also on grant st. from riply to hobbs.

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