Alpine, Michigan Speed Traps

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NEW TRAP for spring! M37 N/B south of 10 mile

Alpine, MichiganMar 17, 20110 Comments

The KCSD has a new trap in the northbound lane…They sit in the ditch on the east side backed into a willow patch…. You wont see them till it is too late… If they are not there they are in the median at the Sparta Ave exchange…The divided hi-way ends there as you pop over the hill everyone races to get in the lead…."It is better than shooting puppies in a barrel" anonymous KCSD deputy.

State Highway M-37 near 8 Mile Road

Alpine, MichiganDec 18, 20070 Comments

Police vehicle points north on the South-bound lanes. Police vehicle is parked in the entrance to Wahfield Park. Police vehicle is hidden around a bend and trees. Personal vehicles can easily avoid the trap by slowing down just before the hill descends (police vehicle has no line of sight at this point). Posted speed limit is 55 mph. 60 mph will not result in pursuit.

Alpine Avenue near State Highway 37

Alpine, MichiganApr 23, 20040 Comments

The trap is in a park & ride as you are coming around the curve on m-37 where it meets or turns into alpine between old alpine and vinten

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