Ann Arbor, Michigan Speed Traps
Stadium Boulevard
Westbound Stadium Blvd. Traffic crests a steep bridge before continuing down towards the UofM football stadium and Main St.
Policed cruisers regularly hide behind the Crisler Arena sign on the north side of the road (and sometimes in the parking lot of the UofM golf course on the south side). Both A2 and UofM police make frequent use of this trap.
State Highway 14 near Barton Drive
After a respite of over one year, Ann Arbor police have resumed heavy radar/laser enforcement at probably their favorite speed trap location in all of Ann Arbor, M-14, E. bound (a state road), at or near Barton Dr., where the speed limit suddenly drops from 70 MPH to 55. Watch out at: (1) At the start of the concrete barrier on M-14 just before Barton Dr., and /or (2) cop car parked on the Barton Dr. ramp just before entering M-14. The second location is very dangerous for motorists attempting to enter M-14 as the cop car blocks the view of oncoming traffic on M-14.
If you�re ticketed, check your citation carefully. As was reported, Ann Arbor cops must use a State of Michigan citation book, not the city ordinance version on a state road for the ticket to be valid. Ann Arbor lost a court case about 1 ? years ago over this issue. Ann Arbor cops love handing out city ordinance tickets because Ann Arbor then keeps most of the money from the fine. With the state citation book, a ticket written on it sees most of the dollars going to the state.
S.Maple Street near Jackson Avenue
Construction on Stadium between Jackson and Liberty.South bound traffic is detoured on to S.Maple St.Speeds are now posted at 25MPH and "no turn on red added. Very heavy police activity on both Stadium (25MPH) and S. Maple St.(25MPH)
Nixon Road near Plymouth Road
Major trolling has resumed on Nixon Rd., between Green Rd. and Plymouth Rd, especially during noon hour. Nixon is posted at a low 30 mph, when in realty, probably should be 40 mph. Cop car using instant-on radar travels up and down Nixon Rd. catching "speeders." During course of 20-min., single patrol car nailed 3 victims to help pay for Ann Arbor’s huge budget deficit.
Plymouth Road
Major trolling for speeders with moving radar occurs on a nearly constant basis on Plymouth Rd., between Green Rd. and Broadway. Speed limit constantly fluctuates between 40 to 45 mph. Watch out for the dark Crown Vics., some carrying low profile roof lamps. When you’re driving in Ann Arbor, your in Michigan’s # 1 speedtrap town.