Ann Arbor, Michigan Speed Traps
Crestland St. and Packard St. corner exactly
police in cruiser with radar. this is known speed trap – low speed limit on major artery into Ann Arbor, MI. Very easy to go over limit, especially when driving to work.
They are in the Northbound side today, but sometimes they’re on the Southbound side. I recommend warnings for *both* sides.
Fuller Rd In back of V.A hospital
The speed limit is 25. They frequently sit just off the right side going eatbound or parallel on the left going west. As an employee of the V.A. I know at least 50 people just from our hospital that have gotten speeding tickets. When they start it’s usually an all day affair @ $75 to $100 a pop.
Railroad crossing @ Warren Rd.
A stop sign @ a seldom used RR siding. Used mainly in very early A.M. officer (Washtenaw county) with cam recorder on south side of road on private property. ticket for not coming to complete stop. Can be reduced to impeding traffic, no points on driving record, but larger fine and court appearance. serve and protect becomes intimate and extort.
In front of U of M hospital
At the intersection of Glen ave. and Fuller St. there’s almost always a cop hidden somewhere. He hides so good you don’t know where he came from. He is waiting for someone to run the flashing red lights which can be inviting at early hours. He will even ticket you for having the dealer plate frame because is not visible.
State Street N of I-94 and Victors Way
The cop will hide in the dark (perhaps the Mobil Station) and watch the stop signs and northbound traffic. The stop sign on Victors Way is 15-20 feet back from State Street so any small car will need to pull past the stop sign to get a better view of the coming traffic, which makes it convenient for them to write you a ticket for disobeying the stop sign. The cop will also write you a ticket if they think you didn’t stop long enough at the Michigan left onto southbound State Street. The flow of traffic is much faster than the posted speed limit on both north and southbound State street, so watch out.