Ann Arbor, Michigan Speed Traps
Ann Arbor – Dexter Rd between Maple and Wagner
Cops usually sit on the side of the road near an apartment complex and get anyone going over the 30 mph posted speed. Its right before the speed turns 45 so its tempting to accelerate early after crossing Maple going west.
Carpenter Road, south of Ellsworth Rd.
Police hang out in the parking lot for the Cinemas on the west side of Carpenter and a little further south in the Glass shop on the east side of Carpenter
State Route 14
Ann Arbor police continue heavy radar/laser enforcement at probably their favorite speed trap location in all of Ann Arbor, M-14, E. bound (a state road), at or near Barton Dr., where the speed limit suddenly drops from 70 MPH to 55.
Geddes Avenue near Huron Parkway
Geddes between Washtenaw and Huron Parkway is frequently used by locals to head out from campus to avoid construction season and/or traffic. The entire road is 25 mph. It is curvy in parts with many driveways but it is easy to go up to 40mph and a bunch of rich people live down there so there is a lot of enforcement.
Plymouth Road near Traverwood Drive
From Traverwood Dr. to Broadway, Plymouth Rd., with very few access points, used to be set at 45 MPH. A couple of years ago it was lowered to 35 MPH to calm a "politically correct" situation. Doubt if a traffic survey was run. To conform to new state law, should be reset back to 45 MPH. Cops constantly troll Plymouth for speeders — most drive this stretch at 45 MPH anyway.