Ann Arbor, Michigan Speed Traps
W Huron Street near Third Street
Eastbound speed limit decreases to 30mph, without a warning sign. The 30mph sign is at the bottom of the hill before the railroad bridge, and can be hidden in the trees during summer months.
Nixon Road near Traver Boulevard
Many non-Ann Arborites use Nixon to enter the city, and outside city limits Nixon has a high rural speed limit. Southbound past the Green Road stop Nixon goes downhill approaching Traver, and it’s easy to exceed the posted city speed limit. Police have been observed parked in a private drive across from Bluett Street, primed to nab someone going a bit fast at the bottom of the hill.
Packard Road near From Carpenter into town Road
Packard Road is a major 4 and 5 lane artery that often has 35 MPH speed limits. Police may wait anywhere in the nearby store parking lots or side streets.
Main Street near Stadium Boulevard
Police cars hug the grass next to the golf course to snare Main Street traffic goint into Ann Arbor. The speed limit on this major artery into Ann Arbor is low at 35 MPH.
Main Street near Hill Street
Police monitor traffic going to or from downtown Ann Arbor from a parking lot. The speed is artificially low for a four-lane major street, at 25 MPH.