Augusta, Michigan Speed Traps

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In Augusta downtown

Augusta, MichiganAug 09, 20180 Comments

There is a downtown in Augusta that has 2 roads leading into it. Augusta Drive and N Webster Street which is 42nd. All roads leading in have 55 speed limit then for no reason it cuts to 25MPH for downtown. The police site RIGHT at the 55 MPH sign and bust you as you speed into the next zone. The officer I talked to claimed it was 25MPH because of 2 driveways which is ridiculous. Keep watch, I have been resident for 17 years.

M89 both east and west of town.

Augusta, MichiganMay 19, 20130 Comments

Police car sitting off road in closed gas station going west.

Sits on west end of Augusta for cars going east.

Also cruises

Going into Augusta from either the east or west

Augusta, MichiganDec 12, 20110 Comments

It begins where the speed limit signs are marked 35 mpg and goes through Augusta, it is strictly enforced.

M-96 West of town

Augusta, MichiganJan 17, 20110 Comments

The boys have started sitting in the Park-n-Ride just outside of town, the new darker car is easy to miss in the back corner of the lot, and they show no mercy.

Elementary School

Augusta, MichiganOct 13, 20100 Comments

It is now closed, so the police sit on the side of the school, out of site. That is where the speed limit reduces from 45 to 35. In fact, once you pass the VFW heading east, WATCH OUT.

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