Bay City, Michigan Speed Traps
Green Avenue, near intersection of Center
Frequently during the Central High School lunch hours, every day now, Green Avenue is being patrolled heavily. This street was common for speeding to get down to Center quickly. The known spots they hide at are: Nurmi Drive looking towards Green, being a set of large bushes next to the Temple at the end of the road, on the side streets. During lunch hours, it is recommended you obey the speed limit on this street, at least 4 people are hit during the lunch hours EVERY DAY.
I-75N under the overpass – just before you reach the first Bay City exit
As you head North on I-75 entering Bay City and pass the rest stop on the South side of I-75. There is an over pass about a mile before you reach the first of two Bay City exits. Troopers sit outside of their car with a laser gun on your leFort They’re very hard to see, and when you do see them it may be too late. Watch the tail lights of cars aheard