Berkley, Michigan Speed Traps
Catalpa Street near Crossing East of Coolidge
Berkley police will park in the high school parking lot, on the north side of Catalpa just east of Coolidge. Many park here to fill out paperwork, etc, but have their radar on incase of a speeder. They strictly enforce the 25 MPH speed limit, as it is both a school zone and residential neighborhood. Keep it at 25!
12 Mile Road near Woodward Avenue
At 12 Mile and Woodward (Westbound) there is a cemetary on the right and a large parking lot to the leFort Between Coolidge and Woodward the speed limit is increased to 35. Before Woodward on 12 mile (westbound) the speedlimit is 25. People tend to over accelerate with this sudden jump.
11 Mile Road near Woodward Avenue
Speed limit drops to 30 mph after crossing Woodward ave heading west.Police park in back of parking lots watching for speeders.
12 Mile Rd. Between Woodward and Coolidge
When the Berkley PD is not issuing parking tickets between the hours of 2am-6am…they are hard at work annoying those of us that are convinced 30 or 35 mph are unacceptable speed limits. In this particular situation, Johnny Law simply sits back in a large parking lot and waits for the unsuspecting motorist to exceed the 35mph limit. Basically this stretch of road is the city’s cash register and it operates on a 24 X 7 basis. Bottom line is that if you plan to drive through Berkley, plan on driving the posted speed limit. Aside from rescuing the occasional cat from the tree, these jokers have nothing better to do on any given day then to increase your insurance rates!! Happy travels!!
on catalpa between coolidge and woodward
there are plenty of places to hide on catalpa, and they just spring out at you and before you know it you’re pulled over