Birmingham, Michigan Speed Traps
Woodward Avenue near Wimbleton Street
Bacon sits near the guardrail by Wimbleton st targeting Northbound traffic on Woodward. Speed limit is 45mph.
Southfield Road near 14 Mile Road
Just North of 14 Mile, the police sit in the parking lot of the Townhouses on the West Side of Southfield Road. The speed limit there is 25 and they are always there in the morning starting around 6:45 am
Old Woodward Avenue near Lincoln Street
Radar sits hidden in the parking lot just north of Lincoln on the west side of Old Woodward and catches cars going north or south. He will also stop you if you do not make a complete stop at the stop sign crossing Woodward Ave. onto Old Woodward.
Old Woodward Avenue near Woodward Avenue
Old Woodward has a speed limit of 25 MPH due to pedestrian traffic, which occurs on the northern areas near Maple Road (15 mile). However, southbound Old Woodward merges with Woodward Avenue just north of Lincoln (14 1/2 mile). At this juncture the Old Woodward traffic (at 25MPH) must MERGE with Woodward which goes 45 MPH (at least). I was pulled over for speeding while accelerating in the last 50 yards of old woodward (a place with NO pedestrian traffic) in an attempt to merge with the 45-50 MPH traffic. $130.00 and a court date looms in my future.
Cranbrook Road near About a quarter-half mile east of Quarton school
Police sit in a persons driveway right around a curve, corner of Cranbrook and Oak. High high-schooler trafic, Seaholm High School is on Cranbrook and Lincoln.