Blissfield, Michigan Speed Traps

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East side of Blissfield…

Blissfield, MichiganApr 01, 20191 Comments

Town cop likes to sit either at the entrance to the MAC elevator or down the road near the tracks in various spots.

Blissfield (Everywhere)

Blissfield, MichiganDec 22, 20092 Comments

Read all the other postings…believe them…then do not speed.

State Highway us 223 near exit 5 off us 23 apr. 10 miles west Expressway

Blissfield, MichiganFeb 03, 20080 Comments

use extreme caution in this town the local PD can and will hide in any parking lot behind buildings in driveways and will write you up for as little as 4-5 mph over. The speed limits change at least 4 times while going throught this town .And if you have an out of state plate you are twice as likily to get pulled over

US Highway 223

Blissfield, MichiganNov 24, 20070 Comments

Blissfield Police sit in well hidden spots throughout the village in marked black and whites as well as unmarked cars.

US Highway 223 near All of US 223 through the center of the entire village

Blissfield, MichiganMar 05, 20060 Comments

US 223 runs the length (width?)of the entire village. Speed on US 223 is 55. The speed just prior to entering the village drops to 45, the 35 then 30, and then ramps up as you exit the village. The danger zone is 2-3 miles long, in total.

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