Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Speed Traps
Square Lake Road near Adams Road
hill from Squirrel Rd to almost Adams next to farm
Lasher Road near Long Lake Road
Speed limit goes from 35 to 25 heading towards Lahser High School. I used to go to school there and people were pulled over on Lahser Rd between Long Lake and Hickoty Grove all the time. Also stop at both stop signs at LHS as cops sit in the parking lot there also.
Telegraph Road near Hickory Pointe Street
if you are doing five over you are probably going to jail and or get a ticket. they sit on hickory point in the bushes, driveways .watch out, they are always on telegraph hiding by that big church.
Covington Street near Quarton Road
Police car always sits close to Covington School on either side of Covington Rd or one of the driveways behind bushes. 25 mph is strongly enforced there since there is a lot of kids playing and it is really convinient shortcut betwee Maple and Quarton. Dont go over 25 not even 4 miles
Square Lake Road near Telegraph Road
Marked cars hide in an entrance to the golf course on Square Lake Rd., about halfway between Telegraph and Middlebelt. The hiding spot is around a bend and at the bottom of a small hill making it hard to see. I have yet to see anyone pulled over there, and the fact that I was not pulled over going 50 in the 35 zone (partly from momentum gained by the hill) makes me think they sit there just to slow down traffic.