Brighton, Michigan Speed Traps
Flint/Williamsen Road near Parallel to Grand River 1 block East
Police sit at graveyard entrance while motorists come over hill. Speed limit is 25, should be 35.
Main Street near Brighton Road
Just west of the roundabout on Main Street/Brighton Road, basically in front of the high school. The police use the blinding sun to their advantage and get you in a marked 25 zone right before it changes to 35MPH
Spencer Road near Kennicott Street
On Spencer Road between Whitmore Lake Road and Pleasant Valley Road,a Livingston County Shefiffs deputy will sit on the side street (Kennicott) across from Spencer Elementary School and ticket speeders going in both directions several times a week going faster than 35mph.
Spencer Road near Between I-96 and Grand River
This is a 25 zone, and there will occasionally be a cop sitting on the side of Spencer.
Hamburg Road near Brighton Lake Road
speed limit is 35mph should be 45mph.they allow passing on a down grade at 35mph. police sit in brigton treatment’s
plant’s hidden drive.