Caseville, Michigan Speed Traps

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M-25 South of Sand Point

Caseville, MichiganFeb 02, 20210 Comments

M-25 South of Sand Point north of Dunn Rd. Police will sit on ether side of the road covering the curves there.

On Caseville Road, about 2 miles south of town

Caseville, MichiganMay 06, 20110 Comments

Between Crescent Beach and Dunn roads, the officer will wait on the side of the road North of Crescent Beach Road, the speed limit drops to 45 mph until you get to M-25. The officer will sit about a mile south of there with his radar gun. He will get those that are speeding from Pigeon (it’s a 5 mile straight stretch with no stop signs so people tend to speed up), or those that come out of Caseville at too high a speed.

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