Clarksville, Michigan Speed Traps

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1.5 miles prior to exit 59-eastbound 96

Clarksville, MichiganJun 04, 20120 Comments

the state police (lone officer) hides behind the bridge support from the "Moncalm" road overpass– there are three state police cars waiting 1/2 mile up the road to pull you over. They think there are sneaky.

I-96 @ Nash Hwy Overpass Exit 59

Clarksville, MichiganApr 08, 20100 Comments

If you are going east toward Lansing from Grand Rapids, watch as you come over the hill to exit 59. The last three weeks now that the snow is gone, I have seen the State police car sitting parallel to the freeway right up against the median support for the overpass. From a distance, the cop car looks like the guardrails that typically flank the supports.

I-96 @ mile marker 55, eastbound only

Clarksville, MichiganApr 08, 20100 Comments

If you are heading east on I-96 towards Lansing from Grand Rapids, you will not see the Ionia County Sheriff who sits FACING traffic on the left shoulder, just as you come around the curve AFTER the Lowell exit (exit 52) but before you go up the hill to the Clarksville exit (exit 59). Very sneaky.

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