Clinton Township, Michigan Speed Traps

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Gratiot and Hall Rd. in Clinton Twp.

Clinton Township, MichiganMay 01, 20100 Comments

Gratiot and Hall Rd. I was coming back from seeing my brother in the hospital, going North on Gratiot, just past Hall Rd. I got pulled over, and the cop gave me a ticket….first one in 20 years. April 30, end of the month, must of had to meet his quota.

Hayes just north of Utica Road

Clinton Township, MichiganApr 21, 20100 Comments

I turned left to go north on Hayes from Utcia Road. Saw police car in driveway of a church on east side. Checked speed 45 mph the speed limit, I was right on. 2 cars passed me and I was pulled over. Asked officer if he saw the other cars and he said, yes. To no avail. Just as in Sterling Heights, you have choice of pay fine and no points or fight it which results in points and higher fine. 2 people ahead of me had the same story but lost. First ticket in 40 years of driving. I will not even go back to Clinton Twp to shop.

Groesbeck Road near 15 mile Road

Clinton Township, MichiganJul 31, 20071 Comments

Not a speed trap but police have a spotter from Lansing. Watches cars running yellows to get them on a red. Clinton Twp Police pull you over and give you a ticket. They claim they have no choice because of who the spotter is. Inform you to go to court.

19 Mile Road near Chipewa Valley School

Clinton Township, MichiganAug 01, 20060 Comments

Clinton township police have a nice fund generator here for the city. While no one wants to speed in front of a school, some times the clinton township police set up the trap well before the school in session lights are flasing to warn drivers to slow from the normal speed limit of 45 to 35. To make matters worse, there is a large apartment complex in between both of the school in session flashing lights that no one from the apartment complex can see. If you are a few minutes early and live in the apartment complex, you are dead meat, for everyone else, don’t set your clocks by the start of the flashing lights.. Be carefull…

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