Commerce, Michigan Speed Traps
Wise Road near Carrol Road
Two trucks on each side of the road and cop cars farther down after each truck a little farther down the road.
Richardson Road near Union Lake Road
ON Ricahrdson at the Birmigham Gun Club driveway. Officer will sit in drive, which allows his reflective markings to not be hit by lights as you drive by. Speed limit is 40 and they will ring you up for less than 5 over.
Oakley Park Road
This is on oakley park, right after it bends, the speedlimit is like 35 and its VERY EASY to get 45+ going, and they hide on the opposite side of the road right around the bend….
Oakley Park Road near Oakley Park Elementry School
Cops sit inbetween Newton & Welsh with their lights off targeting people as they come over a small hill.
South Commerce Road near Electrical substation
S. Commerce between Oakley Park and Commerce Road.
Oakland County Sherriff’s deputies like to park on the concrete pad next to the Detroit Edison substation. They target southbound traffic as they come over the hill at Longspur.