Concord, Michigan Speed Traps
N. Main St on the north side of town
I was informed that the Mayor has made an initiative to the Concord police department to limit warnings on speed and write’em up. There was no discussion or questions asked, license and registration. I thought he was asking about the new tab that I needed for my license plate that I had with me but had been too cold to wipe the previous tab to make it stick. “33 in a 25 and 42 in a 35…..but you were 25 feet short of the 35 mph sign….so I got you going 42 in a 25 but I will lower it to 5 over ticket.” Attorney General and ACLU need to get a call on this initiative which the officer described to me in detail after I asked him what would have warranted a warning as I pointed out all the markings and drive through this town 36 times a year for the last 5 years and know ever double line, blinky light, squirrels in town. It didn’t matter. Avoid the bad apples and stay clear of this town (Concord). Head to Homer if you need to make your way south to Hillsdale.
M-60 across the street from PS Food Mart
Sometimes during the day but mostly at night the Concord Police sit in a parking lot across from the PS Gas Station on M-60 running RADAR on traffic going both ways.