Coopersville, Michigan Speed Traps

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I 96 to US 131

Coopersville, MichiganFeb 16, 20150 Comments

They have rolling patrols daily between Coopersville and US 131 on I 96. Especially during the peak times of rush hour.

Coopersville-Ravenna Rd Near the High School

Coopersville, MichiganJun 02, 20100 Comments

Right by where the speed limit drops(coming from Ravenna), there is an old barn concealed partially by bushes. You can’t see the car until you are right on top of the drive he sits in. About 1/8 mile from the high school. He’s there most mornings.

US Highway I-96 near Exit Number Coopersville

Coopersville, MichiganOct 17, 20070 Comments

Between the Coopersville exit on I-96 and the Nunica exit there are 3 locations for drivers to be cautious of when heading west. This is a rather long section of highway without an exit. Just past 88th Ave the highway is divided and their is a slight rise into a wooded section of the road. Mi State Police use the dirt access road between the highways to monitor traffic. Use caution through this entire section of road.

Interstate 96 near Exit Number 16

Coopersville, MichiganAug 24, 20060 Comments

Just East of Exit 16 on I-96 there is an "Authorized Vehicles Only" turn around. This perticular turn-around has a bridge immmediatly to the East of it, so it has the mandatory barriers in the median.
These barriers are painted white and black and they sit about 4 foot high during the median.
Guess what kind of car in the area is also painted white and black and sits about 4 foot high?
The speed limit is 70mph, but most drivers readily cruise at 80mph in this open area. Trucks! – be sure to be doing 55mph.

Ivanrest between 48th and East street

Coopersville, MichiganOct 22, 20030 Comments

Speed limit changes so quickly and they wait right where it changes.

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