Dearborn Heights, Michigan Speed Traps

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Telegraph Road near Between Ann Arbor trail and Joy Road

Dearborn Heights, MichiganAug 22, 20071 Comments

car sits on the east side of the street by the dairy queen, this is for traffic in the north bound construction zone. I watched for an hour and these police were in a relay it seemed to see how many they could get in the time limit. just circling the blocks, pulling out to get them, pull them over give them the ticket, circle back get the next guy… Probably one every 7 minutes.

Evergreen Road near Ford Road

Dearborn Heights, MichiganAug 21, 20070 Comments

30 mph limit – unmarked or marked cars, they park on west side of evergreen at ford rd. or on dayton at evergreen. they work evergreen from ford rd, to w. warren

Ford Road near Telegraph Road

Dearborn Heights, MichiganAug 17, 20070 Comments

They sit behind the bank and get you everytime

Annarbor Trail near Evergreen Road

Dearborn Heights, MichiganAug 11, 20070 Comments

traveling in either direction between evergreen and outer drive on ann arbor trail the speed limit goes from 35mph to 25mph in a blink.

Beech Daly Road near Ann Arbor Trail

Dearborn Heights, MichiganAug 06, 20070 Comments

South of the Ann Arbor Trail Overpass on the West side of Beech Daly Rd. DHPD sit in the service entrance to the Golf course and hit you with Laser as you come under the bridge headed South.

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