Dewitt, Michigan Speed Traps

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North Bound Bus 27 near Pratt

Dewitt, MichiganMay 15, 20120 Comments

i was leaving Meijer to go to Walmart at night and suddendly out of the dark are red and blue lights and a spot light on me. I asked the officer if it mattered that i had a clean driving record ( in hopes of a warning ) and no luck so i had to pay $100.00 for five over for 72 in 55 which i was like a deer caught in headlights but quilty since i never go this way and always take the freeway. This was 2/27/2012 I did learn you can pay a ticket online. I carry that ticket as a reminder in my wallet. Won’t go that way anymore Officer thanks to you and no first time warning for me.

Dill Rd towards the park downtown

Dewitt, MichiganAug 02, 20110 Comments

They hide in the church driveway and also in the park. Speed limit is only 25 there and many people speed there.

West on Main street from Bridge street by firehouse

Dewitt, MichiganAug 02, 20110 Comments

They hide in the firehouse parking lot and nail people speeding up. The limit goes from 25 to 45, and they get you before you reach the 45 sign.

Herbison Rd. in front of the Junior High School

Dewitt, MichiganNov 07, 20100 Comments

The police sit in the driveway of the church east of the school driveway. I wouldn’t normally say that a school zone is a speed trap except that the signs that warn you of the times are very small and don’t give you enough warning to slow down before you are already on radar. They should have a blinking light to warn you when to slow down.

Interstate 69 underneath the Dewitt Rd overpass

Dewitt, MichiganSep 26, 20101 Comments

It’s dark, so they can’t be seen until it’s too late. Equal opportunity ticketer- sometimes east bound, sometimes westbound. Never speed through here as they are frequently there. Dewitt’s a small town, so there isn’t much action for them aside from tickets

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