East Lansing, Michigan Speed Traps
Trowbridge entrance
Campus cops (DPPS), likes to park behind the bushes on the South side of Trowbridge road. Look carefully and you will notice mowed areas just big enough to park a cruiser between the hedges and the railway fence.
As you approach Chestnut you will frequently see an officer there with a Camera, looking for seatbelts.
Cowles House, near the MSU Union
Two Motorcyle officers frequently park in the cowles house driveway.
As you are driving past the MSU Union on Circle drive West, you will see them on your left, just past he Abott entrance.
Trowbridge Road
Campus PD likes to sit at the small rest-stop/information booth on Trowbridge Road, just after you cross Harrison and enter campus. They are usually clocking people heading west (leaving campus), but sometimes east. They may be in SUV’s, or on motorcycles.
Grand River between Saginaw and Harrison
I lived at a house on grand river in this spot the last two years, and there were at least 5 people a day pulled over in this 25 mph zone. The cops have about 5 different side streets they hide in
MSU Campus Farm Lane Near Mount Hope
Watch out on Farm Lane near the commuter lot. Because of the new underpass, you can pick up speed going down the hill. There is typically a police officer facing north that you can’t see when going south because of the bridges. The speed limit is 30 here, but 45mph on the other side of Mount hope.
The officer can catch those that do not slow to 30 MPH in time going north bound, and can also catch those south bound that don’t see him because of the underpass.