Eaton Rapids, Michigan Speed Traps
Barnes and Aurelius Road
The speed drops from 55 to 35 MPH in this location. Police park out of sight in the parking lot of the church on Barnes Road, just East of Aurelius.
Canal Road at the city limit sign
City Police like to hide in the small park located right at the bottom of the hill by the City Limit Sign. The speed limit is 25mph and you can’t see them while going over the hill. You also can’t see them coming into town where the speed limit changes from 45mph to 25mph !
State street in front of the High School
The Eaton Rapids Police sit in the high school parking lot and get people coming in and out of town where the speed changes from 25mph to 45mph.
State Highway 99 near Between I-96 and Eaton Rapids
99 is a divided highway in a rural area. The speed limit is 55. This could easily be mistaken as an expressway which has 65 to 70 mile signs. The local police are always frequenting this area because they know people think it should be higher. They especially do not give a care if you are from another part of the state and thought that this would be a higher speed limit.