Elkton, Michigan Speed Traps

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Chandler Presbyterian Church / Cemetery

Elkton, MichiganMar 08, 20100 Comments

Police sit behind the church and moniter the Filion Rd. The church is just west of the Souletown / Filion Corner.

Elkton Road near The old town hall on Filion Fd

Elkton, MichiganApr 05, 20080 Comments

The county or state patrol sits behind the white building on the corner of filion and elkton rd. just north of Elkton a few miles. They’ll follow you reguardless of what you’re doing.

Elkton Road near City boundary

Elkton, MichiganApr 16, 20060 Comments

At the city limits (from north or south) speed limit changes from 55 to 25 m.p.h. Every motorist should be aware that the 25 m.p.h. speed limit is strictly enforced as soon as you reach the sign (not 50 feet past) and is monitored through town. I have had friends pulled over for 27 m.p.h. and cited. BE CAREFUL!

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