Farmington, Michigan Speed Traps
Halsted between M-5 and 9 Mile Road
Police park at entrance to apartment complex on the east side of the road just over a slight rise. When south bound you will not be able to see the car until it is to late!
Inkster Rd, North of 11ml.
They lurk in the shadows under the bridge, speed limit is 35mph. The big problem is the bridge is right at the bottom of a valley (albeit small), it is very easy to do 45mph without even trying, I have seen cops sitting here at all times of the day.
Westbound 11 mile at Farmington Road
Going west on 11 mile (it ends at Farmington Road), I made a right turn to northbound Farmington after stopping. I received a ticket despite the absence of a "No Right Turn on Red" sign, took it to court, and lost.