Ferndale, Michigan Speed Traps

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Woodward Avenue

Ferndale, MichiganMay 20, 20071 Comments

I work the 12 noon to 12 midnight shift in a busy ER. Warning! Sundays (all day/night) are wicked going home southbound on Woodward Avenue at I-696! There is a rader enforcer at the bottom of the hill as you go under the freeway (I-696). Once you see him, its too late. Same going north depending on your destination. Beware! It is like clockwork. Be careful: Pleasant Ridge and Ferndale are brutal.

Woodward Avenue near 8 Mile Road

Ferndale, MichiganJul 09, 20066 Comments

Ferndale police sit along 8 mile all day in order to ticket drivers going westbound on 8 mile. Beware! But just a note, if you loop around and do eastbound 8 mile, they are out of their juristiction.

Eight Mile Road near Fair Street

Ferndale, MichiganMar 29, 20061 Comments

During weekday morning rush hours, Ferndale police sit in the U-turn area of the median of 8 Mile road, just east of Fair street (north side of state fair grounds). In this location they are partially consealed behind large bushes to east bound traffic on Eight Mile road.

W. 8 Mile Road near Woodward Avenue

Ferndale, MichiganMar 16, 20061 Comments

Police park in parking lots between Woodward and Livernois off of Eight Mile, and ticket people DAILY! Especially in the morning! Beware! Ferndale Police have to meet a DAILY quota for pictures……

8 Mile Road near John R Road

Ferndale, MichiganMay 27, 20051 Comments

Ferndale police sit in a parking lot on the north side (right side if you’re heading west) of 8 mile just before John R. As cars head west across the 8 Mile overpass (over I-75), you can’t see the scout car until you reach the "peak" of the overpass. By then, it’s too late. You’re best bet: do speed limit while going over that bridge across I-75. They patrol HEAVILY.

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