Flint, Michigan Speed Traps
I-69 Expressway near Mile Marker 122
In the Median,at an emergency turn-around, positioned to go in either direction
Van Slyke Road near Hemphill Road
A township cop usually sits on the east side of Van Slyke, usually in the credit union parking lot, waiting for someone to go speeding by. The speed limit is only 35, but one could safely go 45 in this area. it is a 4-lane, 2-way road. This is right across the street from Truck and Bus parking.
Bristol Street near Bishop Airport
Police sit west of I-75 around airport in vancant drives and in vacant areas along Bristol near airport.
State Highway 69 near Saginaw Exit
a cop will sit up on Saginaw RD and radar and another cop ahead will pull you over. they are in groups of 3 or 4 depending..
Interstate 69 near 475 Expressway
City, County, State (all of them) sit on the Saginaw St. entrance ramp to west bound I69 just past 475. They are hidden behind the big bushes. By the time you see them it’s too late. There’s contruction going on right now too. So be extra carefull!