Fraser, Michigan Speed Traps
The entire city of Fraser
The entire city of Fraser has always been a speed trap. I’ve lived here for 11 years and I got 2 speeding tickets for going 5 over (these are the only tickets I’ve gotten in 30 years of driving). One between 13 mile and 14 mile on Hayes and one ticket between Grosbeck and Garfield on 14 mile rd. Fraser is a 2 by 2 square mile city that pays its bills by giving out tickets. Most people in the Detroit Metro area knows that Fraser is the ticket capital of South Eastern Michigan. Fraser also has spotters (cops who stand at a corner and look for people not wearing seat belts) and radio ahead your car to a waiting officer.
Masonic between Gratiot and Groesbeck
The speed limit on Masonic is 30 mph. The police are using radar and are likely setting on the side streets or in parking lots. Beware of turning off of Gratiot or Groesbeck and coming down Masonic, the speed limit is very low for this street, most cars are speeding so do not ride with the flow of traffic. The police are aware of this and it very easy to get a ticket on Masonic.
Kelly Road between 13 Mile and Masonic
Cop on a motorcycle actually parks in residential drives between the sidewalk and the house, at quick glance looks like a homeowner, then its too late.
Hayes Road between 13 and 14 mile
30 mph and heavily enforced. Both Warren and Fraser officers use this spot. All times of the day. When the weather gets nice, watch for the motorcycle!
groesbeck hwy Street near 14 mile Road
groesbeck/14 mile… black and white sits rite after dairy queen in parking lot.