Fraser, Michigan Speed Traps
Masonic Boulevard near Beacon Lane Street
Black or Black & White Police Car will be located in a business driveway on the North side of Masonic Blvd between Kelly Road and Groesbeck Hwy (M97). Difficult to see at times because of the trees and a For Sale sign in front of a manufacturing plant
US Highway groesbeck
this trap is between 13 and masonic on groesbeck. The motor officer sits right next to the stip mall there getting people all day!1
Van Road near W. Amurcon Road
Residents complain about people running stop signs. A motor officer will sit behind a car and pick people off all day long. The residents love him, the drivers dont.
malyn Street near 15 Mile Rd. & Kelly Street
Industrial subdivision west of Kelly, south of 15 Mile Rd. the limit is 25 and the Fraser boys like to park in the parking lots of some of the factories.(usually at a turn) No kids crossing the street or waiting for the school bus, just industrial buildings. The street is 4 lanes wide and no parking except for the occasional semi waiting in line for a delivery. It’s real easy to get above the limit there. I have never been pulled over, but only because I’m aware of the potential consequences of getting nailed. I do see a lot of guys probably running a little bit late to punch in at 6:00 am that get pulled over. They mostly use the Charger, but I’ve seen the Crown Vics in there too
Freuhauf Street near Masonic Road
On Freuhauf between Utica Road and Masonic. The speed limit is 30mph – it is strictly enforced. They hide in the trees and is impossible to see.