Grand Rapids, Michigan Speed Traps

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Alpine Avenue near Alpenhorn Road

Grand Rapids, MichiganSep 23, 20061 Comments

Was coming s-bound on Alpine Ave from 7 mile rd. I had a Kent County Sheriff’s officer follow up to I-96. The officer was using a brand new POP mode radar gun. Confirmed, POP mode radar is here in West Michigan! Upgrade your rd’s.

68th Street near Eastern Avenue

Grand Rapids, MichiganAug 26, 20061 Comments

This speed trap is on 68th street between Kalamazoo Ave. and Eastern Ave. with the Kent County sheriff usually sitting at the enterance to Creekside park. Within a one mile stretch on westbound 68th street, the speed limits drops fromm 55 to 45 to 35. The limit drops to 35 at the bottom of a small hill and you will often find the trap less than a quarter mile ahead.

Lake Michigan Drive near Covell Avenue

Grand Rapids, MichiganAug 13, 20060 Comments

Grand rapids City usually sit at the methodist church just east of Covell, getting drivers heading west bound. Not to far from exit off I-196 westbound where speed is 55. Live near here and drivers gotten many times daily. DO not exceed 35 here.

Plainfield NE Road near Between 3 Mile and Knapp Crossing

Grand Rapids, MichiganJun 30, 20060 Comments

South of 3 Mile on Plainfield, the speed limit drops from 40 to 35, then quickly to 30, which is not unreasonable there. Not long after this drop, you’ll sometimes see a Grand Rapids City police car sitting on a side road or in a parking lot, usually clocking southbound drivers, occasionally northbound ones. This became less common after this stretch of Plainfield became two lanes with a center turn lane, which slowed things down a bit.

Valley Avenue near Walker Street

Grand Rapids, MichiganApr 20, 20060 Comments

Valley Ave. south of Walker has been an active speed trap for many years. South of Walker Ave. all the way to Fourth St. the city police set up a radar speed trap from time to time. The speed limit it 25 mph. Valley Ave. is wider than most surrounding streets and this seems to induce motorists to pick the speed up to 35+ mph.

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