Grosse Pointe, Michigan Speed Traps

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Corner of Cadieux Rd. and Jefferson Ave.

Grosse Pointe, MichiganDec 19, 20190 Comments

Police will wait parked on the sidewalk on Cadieux Rd. waiting for people driving on Jefferson Ave. They will also wait a few blocks down near Mack Ave. In both spots it is very hard to see them until it is too late, since they are parked on the curb/sidewalk. They usually have cars there at least 2 times a week for a few hours, sometimes at night when it’s dark and they are practically invisible, sometimes in the day where they are in the open.

Mack Avenue near Kirby/Moross Road

Grosse Pointe, MichiganJun 11, 20081 Comments

Wendy’s Driveway, watching northbound side of Mack,Hidden by Wendy’s Bldg.

Mack Road

Grosse Pointe, MichiganMar 20, 20050 Comments

On Mack road btw 8 Mile and Altar rd sees heavy enforment from all the Grosse Pointe city’s that it runs through. Stick to the speed limit and dont weave in and out of lanes. Be especially careful when you get into Grosse Pointe Park as the speed limit drops from 35mph to 30mph. Mack is the border street btw the Grosse Pointes and Detroit in some areas. These see the highest enforcement.

High School Parking Lot

Grosse Pointe, MichiganFeb 13, 20031 Comments

Often a GP Farms cop will sit in the Grosse Pointe South High School parking lot off of Grosse Pointe Boulevard and radar people. Remember… GP BLVD. is 25… they proably will let you slide with 30-32 though since its such a large street.

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