Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan Speed Traps

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As you leave grosse pointe park and enter detroit

Grosse Pointe Park, MichiganMar 12, 20140 Comments

what a trap. the narrow cute city street of mack ave not only gets much wider as you enter detroit but the speed limit goes down to 30 mph! it should go up as the road becomes wider and much less residential. BEWARE GPP are there all the time!

Jefferson and Cadieux

Grosse Pointe Park, MichiganJul 22, 20130 Comments

Unmarked Park cop sits in driveway of house on Jefferson where Cadieux dead ends. Aims radar gun at Cadieux drivers approaching light at Jefferson.

Mack between Alter and Devonshire

Grosse Pointe Park, MichiganApr 09, 20120 Comments

The Park police sit on Mack Ave west at Somerset and in a parking lot east 2 block from Alter…
He pulling you over 32mph and up…..

Jefferson Avenue near Maryland Street

Grosse Pointe Park, MichiganJun 22, 20080 Comments

I see several police officers on top of the Grosse Pointe Library with radar guns aimed at west bound traffic on Jefferson. These officers will radio ahead to another car who pulls behind you and flicks you when you get into Detroit.

Mack Avenue near Wayburn Street

Grosse Pointe Park, MichiganJan 19, 20080 Comments

Dark Blue police car sets up on Mack (Grosse Pointe side)between Wayburn and somerset. Speed limit is 30 Go over 40 and he will come out. someone is always out there in that car. Slow down or you will see him to close.

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