Harrison Twp, Michigan Speed Traps
Union Lake Road
Speed Limit is 35 mph. Access from Metro Parkway which is 50 mph. Access from Shook Rd which is 45 mph. Police continuously run radar on this road.
Conger Bay drive north of North River rd
This street is 25 mph. When entering Conger Bay from North River rd, a cop sits at the very end of a Conger bay in a small turn around area just before the bridge that takes you to Belle Maer Marina.
Pardee St bridge
Police sit before after Pardee St bridge and also on E Archer
Eastern (2nd) gate of Brigantine Estates on North River Road
Sheriff sits inside decorative stone walls facing north. Speed limit is 45 MPH. Wide-open space at that point makes it easy for eastbound traffic to accelerate to 50-odd from the several intersections by the time you get to the second Brigantine gate. Westbound traffic coming out the many "S" curves also tends to accelerate just in time to see the Sheriff, too late.
The Sheriff has more cruisers than typical on this 4 mile section of North River Road which has 8 tight curves in the middle 3 miles, making it very common to greet the Sheriff head-on in a curve.
North River Rd
45 mph speed limit.
Police hide just inside either first or second gate to Brigentine Estates, or at the west end of entrance to Old North River Rd