Hopkins, Michigan Speed Traps

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Main Street

Hopkins, MichiganOct 25, 20070 Comments

The signage they have coming into town from any direction is VERY misleading. They go from 55mph to 25mph in a 1/4 mile with signs that do say that speed is reduced but the signs have small lettering and combine two signs with different objectives. Example, The sign coming into town from the west says "Speed Limit Ahead 25mph Radar Controlled" with another sign directly underneath that says "Engine Braking prohibited except when in an emergency" Now thats a whole lot to read on the small signs when your going 55mph (the posted limit) especially at night. In the 20 minutes we spent going back to look at the sign and getting back through town the cop had pulled over two additional people. Thats three tickets in a matter of 20 minutes, Clearly a speed trap to fund city hall and the officers.

Main Street

Hopkins, MichiganJul 17, 20060 Comments

Township cop . . . small town — you can blink & not know you’re in town. Cop has a reputation in area for pulling over people that he thinks are from out of town. Actually pulled someone over leaving my mom’s funeral who was heading to the church just outside of town and barely going over the speed limit.

128th Avenue near 20th Street

Hopkins, MichiganApr 28, 20040 Comments

128th ave Is a quick seenic route from us 131 to Holland, It run’s through a little village, Hopkins, the 25 mph speed limit Is much longer than most of us are use to and extends a good way’s from the small town to what looks like the country side, that’s where the trap Is, there Is an old run down barn west of town where the local officer likes to hide, so now that tulip time In holland Is near watch It If your taking that route 🙂

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