Hudson, Michigan Speed Traps

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Intersection of sr34 & sr127

Hudson, MichiganOct 13, 20150 Comments

County sitting at ps food mart

Carelton Road near Munson Road

Hudson, MichiganNov 10, 20070 Comments

the cops sit in m&s parking lot and if you are coming from adrian heading west into town they sit behind the bushes

State Route 127 near State Route M 34

Hudson, MichiganOct 15, 20070 Comments

Going north on US 127 a few miles from the Ohio border the speed drops from 55mph to 45mph as you enter the city of Hudson. The cops like to hang out in the bank parking lot facing south. I see them here in the morning and afternoon.

Maple Grove Avenue near Main St. to Cadmus Street

Hudson, MichiganSep 13, 20070 Comments

speed is 25 and they patrol as it seems easier to drive at least 30 through there.

US Highway 127 near US Highway 127

Hudson, MichiganSep 13, 20070 Comments

they sit back off of road where you cannot see them until your upon them. the speed reduces when you enter the city limits and they hide especially by the old abandoned gas station.

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