Hudson, Michigan Speed Traps

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US Highway 127 near State Highway 34

Hudson, MichiganJun 09, 20050 Comments

The hudson police have nothing better to do, they will hide anywhere in order to write tickets. depending on the officer, they will write you for, four mph over, all the way to ten…bad area for the cops…good luck

M-34 near Munson Hwy.

Hudson, MichiganJan 22, 20030 Comments

the Hudson police like to sit off M-34, usually in the factory parking lot near the corner, right when the speed limit drops from 55 to 45 (entering Hudson.) Hudson police have 2 Crown Victorias, one white with blue lettering, and the other black with orange lettering and markings.

US-127 near Railroad St.

Hudson, MichiganJan 22, 20030 Comments

the Hudson police like to sit off US-127, usually in a nearby parking lot, right before Railroad St. when the speed limit drops from 55 to 45 (entering Hudson.) Also, have seen the Lenawee County sherriff at times also.

N. Maple Grove near the cemetary

Hudson, MichiganNov 06, 20020 Comments

The Hudson Police like to sit in the cemetary drive on N. Maple Grove in the morning, and catch people driving to school in the morning. Have also witnessed this in the afternoon when school gets out.

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