Huntington Woods, Michigan Speed Traps
11 Mile Road between Woodward Ave. and Coolidge
Huntington Woods police sit along side streets, close to 11 Mile to nab you as you travel east or west. Huntington Woods has a posted speed of only 30 miles per hour on this stretch of 11 Mile, whereas Berkely posts 35 mph just across Coolidge Road. Be careful!
E & WB 11 Mile Rd. from Woodward west to Coolidge Rd.
It’s not a ‘speed trap’, but Do Not exceed the posted speeds. The Berkley & Huntington Woods police are keeping the lights on in their communities with the volume of ticklets they write on 11 MIle Rd.
Coolidge Avenue near Lincoln Avenue
Police are in the bank parking lot at or near Lincoln on a daily basis, they also sit just as you come up off of I-696 to make a right turn on to Coolidge (where there is a NO turn on Red sign) BIG fines in Huntington woods, be careful!
11 Mile Road near Between Woodward and Coolidge
On 11 mile between Woodward and Coolidge there are always Huntington Woods cops out on patrol. They hide in the Church parking lot as well as the parking lots across the street on the Berkely side. Huntington Woods police are tough and from all the people I know who have been pulled over, no one has gotten a break.
696 Expressway near Between 10 and 11 Mile Road
Police car will park in zoo employee entrance where guard shack is , both state police and city police are there in early morning and after dark …