Lexington Heights, Michigan Speed Traps

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Just north of Lexington

Lexington Heights, MichiganFeb 10, 20230 Comments

Main intersection is 30mph. The speed limit on M-25 is 55, at the main intersection (2 blocks it goes from 30 to 40. Then 3 blocks its 55. Officers site at Gielow pickle factory(where it’s 40 and people are doing 55) and pull people over for doing 55 in a 30 or 40. And let’s not forget the felonious activity of giving a ticket for a charge that wasn’t happening. They never charge the speeding. It’s always an impeding traffic or double parking. It’s a clear speed trap that the county has been using for 35 to 40 years. It should go from 30 to 55 not 30-40-55 . In a matter of blocks…

M-25 and Galbraith Line

Lexington Heights, MichiganJun 24, 20100 Comments

Where Galbraith Line crosses M-25 heading into Huronia Heights, there is a blue bldg, think it’s a church.
An unmarked car sits in the parking lot watching the north bound traffic as it comes around the curve by Jimmy C’s store.

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