Livonia, Michigan Speed Traps
Stark Road & Perth Street, 48154
Off a side street in front of Frost Middle School. Sometimes will do stationary radar from the parking lot at Eddie Edgar Ice Arena. The speed limit on Stark Road goes from 40 mph to 25 mph north of the I-96 freeway. Busy traffic on school mornings and for trucks traveling from the industrial park south of I-96.
Inkster Road 1/4 mi north of 6 Mile Rd
Police sitting at side street using Radar gun aiming at South bound traffic
Newburgh Rd & Lyndon
The stretch of Newburgh between 5 mile & Plymouth has had the timing of the lights changed, and the intersection of Newburgh and Lyndon is a hot spot. The LPD backup into a residential driveway on the NW corner, on and off all day long. They may switch up the times and the cars but not where or how the park. Backing into the driveway makes it easier for them to pull out, but also hides the “marked side” of their vehicle. Be careful, follow the laws, because they will get you for speeding, running a late yellow or red light, and when stopped they look for seatbelts, plus have time to run your plates… along with anything and everything else.
southbound middlebelt 3/4 mile south of 96
southbound middlebelt south of (Schoolcraft) 96. just past the viaduct the cops sit in the driveways just waiting…..
Hubbard between 5 Mile and 6 Mile, Buchanan Elementary
Hubbard between 5 Mile and 6 Mile is a residential road that has a very long and set back entrance to the Buchanan Elementary School. Next to the school entrance is a church. A cop car is parked in the church parking lot and waiting for anyone going over the speed limit. The speed limit is 30 miles, however most go over the speed limit since it’s a low traffic area and it’s an easy trap to be caught in. The school is not on Hubbard road, and you have to drive far off Hubbard to get to it. But being that close to an elementary school still makes this an ideal place for cops to assert their letter of the law on speeding.